Facebook has me by the neurons these days, and it is not a good thing.
Yesterday I had plans to put my house in order, as we have done a bunch of interior painting and all my office stuff is in stacks throughout the house. I do not like to be disorganized. It makes me feel bad. And I need to get rid of 75 percent or so of the flotsam and jetsam that surrounds all of us in this little house.
That would include a fair amount of books I've purchased from Amazon and Powell's online, all intended to help me be a better teacher and administrator. Some of them are good, and many are repetitive and unimaginative. But I need to pass them on to the next anxious mid-life career changer (there are lots of us out there).
Plus I have two kids, one of whom is in college and the other who is heading off in that direction in a period of time. They both have a bunch of childhood odds and ends taking up space and those things need to be carted off for others to use and enjoy. I am having a tough time getting my daughter to let go of her books, though. I didn't realize she loved Dr. Seuss that much...
Anyway, I got on Facebook, which is the best way for me to communicate with my son and to see how he is communicating with others. And I looked up two or three hours later and saw that I had been bouncing all over FB and the various links to silly YouTube videos, checking out people's summer photos and trip descriptions, seeing who is friends with whom, etc.
I am only playing two Scrabble games and get easily frustrated on the other word games, so I didn't mess around there too much. But still. I've got to cut it out.
Self-discipline is not a strong suit for me. Will it ever be? I don't know. And today is Saturday, and school doesn't start officially for another some weeks... Time to relax!
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