The view of the backyard from my mom's house

The view of the backyard from my mom's house
That light fixture is now gone, sadly.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I wonder if I need to worry about Conficker on this MacBook. I watched Lesley Stahl report on it on CBS on Sunday and it made me furrow my eyebrows. When I went to the Mac Support pages, I couldn't find anything about Conficker.

Was it just me or did Lesley Stahl seem quite ditzy? I thought I remembered her as being a relatively serious newsperson, but she seemed so surprised by what worms and Trojan horses could do to computers... It was really off-putting.

I think I'll include a photo of one of my favorite dinners with this post. It's not a very good photo. In fact, it looks kind of hideous, but I tell you, the green curry eggplant with chicken from Saladang is really, really good. I see that there is also a mound of Prik King on the plate, which I don't care for as much. The green beans are often a little bitter. I am also displaying my place mat, which is very frayed on the ends and should probably be replaced.

My daughter is on a trip to Costa Rica right now and I miss her too much. It is making me think I will have more to reckon with when she goes off to college in fall of 2010 than I have been imagining.

I also watched an excellent documentary on Jonestown last night on PBS. It was very compelling. Right now I am feeling like all religions are cults. They all seem to ask people to turn over their minds and money to somebody else's idea of Right and Truth and Goodness. I'm moving farther and farther away from that as I get older. Even from my own kooky Unitarianism. I'm not saying I've found some kind of alternative that's better... But I just find suspicious motives in the group-think requirements, in all of them.

I'm feeling the need to be out in the country or something. And not the Southern California country, but back up in the wet and rainy Northwest. I think maybe I'm actually starting to get tired of being homesick.


Robert said...

I know what you mean. I must confess that I have been a little homesick for the NW even during this brief trip to New Orleans!

Wendy said...

Yum, I love the green curry from Saladang except I ask for no eggplant because I can't stand it. I went to Saladang Song today for the first time in about 3 years and had the chicken soba salad which I realize I love too much to not have eaten it for 3 years. I'm sorry you're homesick. I've never known another home other than So. CA so I can't relate. Hope you're having a nice spring break.

amyonymous said...

Try the curried fish cake at Song. I just discovered it and can't live without it now!

but i DO love their green curry....